NotebookApp vs ServerApp#

Prior to JupyterLibrary 0.4.2, Start New Jupyter Server relied on backwards compatibility of jupyter_server with notebook, using e.g. --NotebookApp.token to configure temporary credentials.

With jupyter_server>=2, nbclassic and various other newer packages vying for the CLI, this doesn’t always pick the correct tool, so several options are available:

  • explicitly setting the named app_name parameter when launching a server

  • explicitly setting the command parameter will usually pick the correct server

    • e.g. jupyter-lab should usually be ServerApp

  • using the new keyword Set Default Jupyter App Name

  • setting the JUPYTER_LIBRARY_APP environment variable, either from the CLI, or in CI environment, will influence the default behavior

Press Keys on MacOS/Chrome#

While SeleniumLibrary 3.3.0 added Press Keys which can target non-inputs, as of chromedriver version 2.45 the key cannot be used. As this is the favored key for shortcuts, this means almost all of the client keyboard shortcuts just won’t work if you are trying to test on MacOS.


If you are trying to Press Keys where the key would be used, try to find a combination of simpler key combinations and mouse clicks.


When released, JupyterLibrary 0.2.0 had limited support for the most current version of nteract_on_jupyter, at the time.

More recent versions of nteract_on_jupyter make heavy use of obfuscated CSS classes, and is relatively hard to test. PRs welcome for a better approach for testing it!