Installing JupyterLibrary will bring along Robot Framework and SeleniumLibrary. Jupyter components, like notebook, jupyterlab and nteract_on_jupyter, and browser executors (e.g. chromedriver, geckodriver) and various utilities (e.g. nodejs) are up to you, depending on what you want to test. Here are some examples.


pip install robotframework-jupyterlibrary


mamba install -c conda-forge robotframework-jupyterlibrary

conda also works, usually, but mamba is both faster and provides better error messages when things go wrong.


JupyterLibrary is under active development, and is heavily invested in the conda ecosystem, and related tools and mamba and conda-lock, because of the complexity of managing browser execution dependencies. But conda and mamba (rightly) make it hard to install Random Repos from the Internet, so you’ll need a bit of pip, too.

Start with a sensible, activated base like Mambaforge. Mixing the miniconda or anaconda distributions’ defaults (e.g. is a recipe for disaster, and may violate the terms of service).

Here’s a complete setup:

mamba create \
  # using `--prefix=.venv` is also useful for having predictable file locations, but can confuse IDEs
  --name testing-jupyter \
  --channel conda-forge \ 
  # CPython 3.8+ required, not tested with pypy, or (near) end-of-life CPython  
  python=3 \
  jupyterlab \
  robotframework-seleniumlibrary \
  geckodriver \
  # using a Long Term Support (LTS) Firefox is useful for avoiding "only works in Chrome"

Activate the environment:

source activate testing-jupyter

Install “hot” dependencies:

pip install \
   # don't want any "surprises"
  --no-deps \
  # just to be sure
  --ignore-installed \    

Contributing to JupyterLibrary#


mamba install -c conda-forge doit
# optional meta-dependency
mamba install -c conda-forge conda-lock

Get the code#

git clone
cd robotframework-jupyterlibrary


Listing all the tasks#

doit list

Just run (just about) everything#

doit release

Lock Files#

After adding/changing any dependencies in .github/env_specs, the lockfiles need to be refreshed in .github/locks and committed.

doit lock

Bootstrapping from no lockfiles requires an external provider of conda-lock. It may require running doit lock a few times to get a stable set of environment solutions.

Reproducing CI failures#

By default, the doit scripts use the lockfile most like where you are developing, hoping for a better cache hit rate. On the same operating system, however, any of the pre-solved lockfiles can be used, by specifying the RJFL_LOCKFILE environment variable.

For example, if linux-64 running python3.8 with jupyterlab 3 failed:

!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
RFJL_LOCKDIR=test/linux-64/py3.8/lab3 doit release

Or, in a bat script:

@echo on
set RFJL_LOCKDIR=test/win-64/py3.8/lab3
doit release

This will recreate the test environment with the specified lockfile, and repeat all the steps.

Environment Variables#

A number of environment variables control how some of the doit tasks function.






a JSON array of tokens to pass to pabot



number of times to re-run failing tests



where to start in the retry order



which browser to use (only tested with FF)



a custom conda-compatible tool to use



skips a number of steps



pip install a built artifact instead of editable


  • [ ] merge all outstanding PRs

  • [ ] start a release issue with a checklist (maybe like this one)

  • [ ] ensure pyproject.toml#/project/version has been increased appropriately

  • [ ] ensure the HISTORY.ipynb is up-to-date

  • [ ] validate on binder

  • [ ] validate on ReadTheDocs

  • [ ] wait for a successful build of main

  • [ ] download the dist archive and unpack somewhere (maybe a fresh dist)

  • [ ] create a new release through the GitHub UI

    • [ ] paste in the relevant HISTORY entries

    • [ ] upload the artifacts

  • [ ] actually upload to

    doit publish
  • [ ] postmortem

    • [ ] handle conda-forge feedstock tasks

    • [ ] validate on binder via simplest-possible gists

    • [ ] activate the version on ReadTheDocs

    • [ ] bump pyproject.toml#/project/version to next development version

    • [ ] update release procedures

Appendix: Current doit tasks#

doit is used heavily in development and continuous integration.

binder                              Get to a basic interactive state.
build                               Build packages.
build:hash                          generate a hash file of all distributions
build:pypi                          build the pypi sdist/wheel
conda_build                         Build conda package.
conda_build:build                   use boa to build the conda package
conda_build:recipe                  update the conda recipe
docs                                Build HTML docs.
docs:rtd:env                        generate a readthedocs-compatible env
docs:sphinx                         build the docs with sphinx
env:docs                            create the local docs environment
env:lint                            create the local lint environment
env:meta                            create the local meta environment
env:test                            create the local test environment
js                                  Javascript cruft.
js:yarn                             install nodejs dev dependencies
lab                                 Start a jupyter lab server (with all other extensions).
lab:serve                           runs lab (never stops)
lint                                Lint code.
lint:black                          ensure python code is well-formatted
lint:prettier                       ensure markdown, YAML, JSON, etc. are well-formatted
lint:robocop                        ensure robot code is well-behaved
lint:robotidy                       ensure robot code is well-formatted
lint:ruff                           ensure python code is well-behaved
lint:ssort                          apply source ordering to python
lock                                Generate conda lock files for all the excursions.
lock:docs__linux-64                 lock the docs environment for linux-64 []
lock:docs__osx-64                   lock the docs environment for osx-64 []
lock:docs__win-64                   lock the docs environment for win-64 []
lock:lint__linux-64                 lock the lint environment for linux-64 []
lock:lint__osx-64                   lock the lint environment for osx-64 []
lock:lint__win-64                   lock the lint environment for win-64 []
lock:meta__linux-64                 lock the meta environment for linux-64 []
lock:meta__osx-64                   lock the meta environment for osx-64 []
lock:meta__win-64                   lock the meta environment for win-64 []
lock:test__linux-64__py3_11__lab3   lock the test environment for linux-64 (ft. py3.11, lab3)
lock:test__linux-64__py3_11__lab4   lock the test environment for linux-64 (ft. py3.11, lab4)
lock:test__linux-64__py3_8__lab3    lock the test environment for linux-64 (ft. py3.8, lab3)
lock:test__linux-64__py3_8__lab4    lock the test environment for linux-64 (ft. py3.8, lab4)
lock:test__osx-64__py3_11__lab3     lock the test environment for osx-64 (ft. py3.11, lab3)
lock:test__osx-64__py3_11__lab4     lock the test environment for osx-64 (ft. py3.11, lab4)
lock:test__osx-64__py3_8__lab3      lock the test environment for osx-64 (ft. py3.8, lab3)
lock:test__osx-64__py3_8__lab4      lock the test environment for osx-64 (ft. py3.8, lab4)
lock:test__win-64__py3_11__lab3     lock the test environment for win-64 (ft. py3.11, lab3)
lock:test__win-64__py3_11__lab4     lock the test environment for win-64 (ft. py3.11, lab4)
lock:test__win-64__py3_8__lab3      lock the test environment for win-64 (ft. py3.8, lab3)
lock:test__win-64__py3_8__lab4      lock the test environment for win-64 (ft. py3.8, lab4)
publish                             Publish distributioons.
publish:pypi                        upload python sdist and wheel to PyPI
release                             Run the full set of tasks needed for a new release.
report                              Generate reports of test data.
report:cov:combine                  gather coverage
report:cov:html:rfjl                generate coverage html
report:cov:html:rfsl                generate coverage html
report:cov:html:se                  generate coverage html
report:cov:report                   emit coverage console report and check
report:robot:combine                combine all robot outputs into a single HTML report
setup:docs                          [docs] python development install
setup:lint                          [lint] python development install
setup:test                          [test] python development install
test                                (dry)run tests.
test:atest                          run acceptance tests with robot
test:dryrun                         pass the tests through the robot machinery, but don't actually _run_ anything