JupyterLibrary provides a few lightweight IPython magics for its own testing purposes.

If you like writing and executing Robot Framework in a Jupyter kernel, you might like a more full-featured experience:

%reload_ext JupyterLibrary

The %%robot magic runs a cell of code as you would write in a .robot file. No funny stuff (by default).

%%robot -o _static
*** Tasks ***
Log Something
    Log        Something
  • 🤖 making files in /home/docs/checkouts/

  • 🤖 running!

  • stdout.txt
    Untitled b48ff0e77cff                                                         
    Log Something                                                         | PASS |
    Untitled b48ff0e77cff                                                 | PASS |
    1 task, 1 passed, 0 failed
    Output:  /home/docs/checkouts/
    Log:     /home/docs/checkouts/
    Report:  /home/docs/checkouts/
  • stderr.txt
  • 🤖 returned 0

The interactive help is pretty good.


Of note: you can specify extra arguments to with -a, the name of a local variable.

args = dict(include=["mytag:a"])
%%robot -a args -o _static
*** Tasks ***
Do thing A
    [Tags]   mytag:a
    Log   A

Do thing B
    [Tags]   mytag:b
    Log   B

Do thing AB
    [Tags]   mytag:a  mytag:b
    Log   AB
  • 🤖 making files in /home/docs/checkouts/

  • 🤖 running!

  • stdout.txt
    Untitled 0b0dd3cec340                                                         
    Do thing A                                                            | PASS |
    Do thing AB                                                           | PASS |
    Untitled 0b0dd3cec340                                                 | PASS |
    2 tasks, 2 passed, 0 failed
    Output:  /home/docs/checkouts/
    Log:     /home/docs/checkouts/
    Report:  /home/docs/checkouts/
  • stderr.txt
  • 🤖 returned 0

Running JupyterLibrary#

The line below is a Markdown Cell… change it to a Code Cell to run it

*** Settings ***
Documentation     A nice task suite
Library           JupyterLibrary
Suite Setup       Wait For New Jupyter Server To Be Ready
Test Teardown     Reset JupyterLab And Close
Suite Teardown    Run Keyword And Ignore Error   Terminate All Jupyter Servers

*** Tasks ***
A Notebook in JupyterLab
    Open JupyterLab
    Launch A New JupyterLab Document
    Add And Run JupyterLab Code Cell   print("hello" + " world")
    Wait Until page Contains   hello world
    Capture Page Screenshot  ran-code.png

With Widgets#

There is some more stuff coming with %%robot, but for now, ipywidgets.interact can be used to quickly build UI around robot-generated artifacts

from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import display, Image

ipywidgets = None
    import ipywidgets
if ipywidgets:
    def show_image(i=(0, 100)):
        all_images = sorted(Path("_robot_magic_").rglob("*.png"), key=lambda p: p.stat().st_mtime)
        if not all_images:
        start = all_images[0].stat().st_mtime
        i = min(len(all_images) - 1, i)
        img = all_images[i]
        delta = img.stat().st_mtime - start
        display(f"[{round(delta)}s][{i} of {len(all_images)}] {}", Image(img))