Installing JupyterLibrary will bring along Robot Framework and SeleniumLibrary. Jupyter components, like notebook, jupyterlab and nteract_on_jupyter, and browser executors (e.g. chromedriver, geckodriver) and various utilities (e.g. nodejs) are up to you, depending on what you want to test. Here are some examples.


pip install robotframework-jupyterlibrary

TODO conda


JupyterLibrary is under active development, and is heavily invested in conda because of the complexity of managing browser execution dependencies. But conda (rightly) makes it hard to install Random Repos from the Internet, so you’ll need a bit of pip, too.

Here’s a complete setup:

conda create \
  -n testing-jupyter \              # as good a name as any
  python=3                          # 2020 is right around the corner

conda activate testing-jupyter      # get on the right PATH

conda install \
  -c conda-forge \                  # can't get all these from Austin
  jupyterlab \                      # mostly this
  robotframework-seleniumlibrary \  # includes robotframework... and selenium
  geckodriver \                     # moz:\\a FTW
  python-chromedriver-binary        # for the rest of the marketshare

pip install --no-deps \             # don't want any surprises
  nteract_on_jupyter \              # now with more ✨

Also take a gander at this project’s environment.yml or anaconda-project.yml at that URL there.


  • get Firefox

  • get Miniconda

  • clone

    git clone
  • update and activate

    conda env update
    conda activate robotframework-jupyterlibrary
  • then

    pip install -e . --no-deps --ignore-installed
  • run the tests

    python -m scripts.atest
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